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15,50 €
Simple Strips – Meow è un timbro divertente che si allinea perfettamente con le Simple Strips (TE1358) e Simple Strips – Well Rounded Dies (TE1441) (vendute separatamente) per creare 18 strisce di sentiment contemporaneamente! Usali singolarmente o raggruppali per un maggiore impatto:
Happy purrthday to you
It’s your day! Let’s pawty!
Cats welcome. People tolerated
Just one cat short of crazy
You had me at meow
With heartfelt sympathy
You are purrrfect
I do whatever I want
Love from us & the cats
Congrats! Heard the good mews!
Cat hair… don’t care.
You’re the cat’s meow
Life is better with a cat
I love you meow & furever
All you need is love & a cat
For the loss of your cat
From one cat mom to another
Life without cats? I don’t think so.
Timbro di gomma rosso pretagliato a immagine singola montato su schiuma adesiva. Misura 4 1/2 “x 5 3/4”. Include le linguette di allineamento per allinearsi perfettamente con le fustelle Simple Strips e Simple Strips – Well-Rounded.